The content of this book includes: The first part of Skeleton Dojo has been completed. It tells the story of a young man named Xianyu Liu Guang. His father was killed when he was a child. At the age of nine, he became a sorcerer under the sect of the scheming sect and learned the water and insight in the four major arithmetic of the scheming sect. The two great arithmetic of wax also attracted the pursuit of his senior brother Liu Zicong, who betrayed his master and defected to Mongolia. Fortunately, he was protected by Ba Siba, the king of the Flower Sect, and was sent to Quanzhen Sect to practice in Zhongnan Mountain. Seven years later, 16-year-old Xianyu Liu Guang came down the mountain and went to Diaoyu City to open the Skeleton Dojo of the Four Debates of Yin and Yang. Finally, Xianyu Liuguang used trick arithmetic to open the Skeleton Dojo, killed Meng Ge Khan in Diaoyu City, and defeated Meng Ge. military.
本书内容包括: 第一部骷髅道场已完结, 讲的是少年鲜于刘光, 从小父亲被杀, 九岁拜入诡道门下成为一名术士, 习得诡道四大算术中的水分和看蜡两大算术, 同时也招来了背叛师门投奔蒙古的师兄刘子聪的追杀, 幸得花教法王八思巴庇护, 送至终南山全真教修行。七年后, 十六岁的鲜于刘光下山, 前往钓鱼城开启阴阳四辩之骷髅道场, 最终鲜于刘光用诡道算术开启了骷髅道场, 在钓鱼城击杀蒙哥汗, 击退了蒙军。
本书内容包括: 第一部骷髅道场已完结, 讲的是少年鲜于刘光, 从小父亲被杀, 九岁拜入诡道门下成为一名术士, 习得诡道四大算术中的水分和看蜡两大算术, 同时也招来了背叛师门投奔蒙古的师兄刘子聪的追杀, 幸得花教法王八思巴庇护, 送至终南山全真教修行。七年后, 十六岁的鲜于刘光下山, 前往钓鱼城开启阴阳四辩之骷髅道场, 最终鲜于刘光用诡道算术开启了骷髅道场, 在钓鱼城击杀蒙哥汗, 击退了蒙军。