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Last night, my mother called/昨晚, 妈妈打来电话

Transliterated Title:
Zuo wan, ma ma da lai dian hua
Lu yuan zhu /陆源著
Shanghai wen yi chu ban she/上海文艺出版社
Publish Date:
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This book is Lu Yuan's latest novella. It mainly talks about my childhood memories of my mother, my mother, my sisters and my brothers, and the decades of life of a family, all told in poetic language. While recalling family stories, "I" also recall my own writing experience, writing for the people I love, and finding a small world on the road to the world. Lu Yuan's writing style is sincere and sincere, his language and rhetoric are refined, and his prose is moving. For Lu Yuan, perhaps narratology is the study of words and sentences. No matter how large the volume or structure is, it is always based on one sentence, starting from one sentence and ending with one sentence. What Lu Yuan pursues is not adjectives or adverbs, but his own unique view of sentence construction.

本书为陆源最新中篇小说。主要讲述我有关母亲、阿姆以及姊妹兄弟的童年往事, 一个家族几十年的生活, 在诗性的语言中娓娓道来。而在回忆家族故事中, “我”也在追忆自己的写作经历, 为了所爱的人写作, 为了在世界的道路上寻找小小的天地。陆源的文笔真挚恳切, 语言修辞精炼, 散文令人动容。于陆源而言, 或许叙事学即词语学、句子学。无论多大体量、何种结构, 都是以一个句子为单位, 从一个句子开始, 到一个句子结束。陆源追求的并非形容词、副词, 而是独属于自己的造句观。