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One person lights up the lights/一个人张灯结彩

Transliterated Title:
Yi ge ren zhang deng jie cai
Tian er zhu /田耳著
Shanghai wen yi chu ban she/上海文艺出版社
Publish Date:
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This book tells the different stories of several people on the margins of society, such as the mute Yu Yu, Gang Zha, and Yu Xinliang, through a robbery and murder case that happened by mistake. The novel continues the style of Tian Er's early works. A feeling of immersed in the end of the city flows through the text, seeming to tell his own frustration and the chaos of the world. Tian Er uses his "love to lie" to "make up stories", hiding behind many lonely characters, weaving huge webs, behind which is his consistent value of "the bottom is not bottom".

本书通过一起阴差阳错的抢劫杀人案, 展现了哑巴小于、钢渣、于心亮等几个社会边缘人的不同故事。小说承续田耳早期的作品风格, 一种沉浸在城市末梢的感觉在文字间潺潺流动, 似在诉说着自己的失意又在诉说着世界的芜杂。田耳以“爱撒谎”来“编故事”, 躲在众多孤独人物的背后, 编织出一张张巨大的网, 背后是他一贯的“底层不底”价值观。