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Heading all the way north/一路奔北

Transliterated Title:
Yi lu ben bei
Ren jian xu yao qing xu wen ding zhu /人间需要情绪稳定著
Shanghai wen yi chu ban she/上海文艺出版社
Publish Date:
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Contents of this book: For all astronauts, 2010 is destined to be an extraordinary year. The Beidou-3 project to achieve global coverage officially started construction. Different from the past, this time the China Satellite Management Office summarized the experience of launching Beidou 1 and 2 satellites and introduced a new research and development force under the banner of healthy competition. It is the China Future Satellite Innovation Institute where Meng Xinggao works. Let it, like China Northern Aerospace Industry Group, which was responsible for the Beidou-12 system project, undertake the development and launch of one-third of the networking satellites. This decision caused a lot of controversy, but the important responsibility still fell on Fu Wanming's team.

本书内容讲述: 对所有航天人来说, 2010年注定是不平凡的一年, 实现全球覆盖的北斗三号工程正式启动建设。与以往不同, 这次中国卫星管理办公室总结北斗一号二号卫星发射的经验, 打着良性竞争的旗号引入了一支全新的研发力量, 正是孟星高所在的中国未来卫星创新研究院, 让其和负责过北斗一二号系统工程的中国北方航天工业集团一样, 承接三分之一组网卫星的研制及发射。这一决定引发了众多争议, 但重任还是落在了傅晚明的团队身上。