This book includes the novel "Family Portrait" and four extra chapters: "As if There Is Light", "Ducks on the Shelf", "The Train Takes a Seat but the Snow Blocks the Door", and "The Horse Runs to Death on the Mountain". "Family Portrait" tells the story of a rural child who goes to the city alone due to some unexpected reasons. It is an autobiographical review. The novel depicts the child's feelings about the environment and interpersonal relationships from a first-person perspective, and writes about the child's simple and ignorant yearning for the world in simple and sincere words. In the preface, Sun Yisheng wrote that this creation was inspired by Kafka's "Children on the Road". Compared with previous works, the writing style of "Family Portrait" is more pure and sincere, from which we can see Sun Yisheng's obvious self-breakthrough and progress.
本书包括长篇小说《全家福》和《仿佛若有光》《赶鸭子上架》《火车叨位去大雪封门》《望山跑死马》四篇番外。《全家福》讲的是一个农村孩子因某种意外的原因, 孤身向城市进发的故事, 是一场自传式的回顾。小说以第一人称视角描摹出孩子对所处环境和人际关系的感受, 以朴素、真诚的文字写出了小孩子对世界简单而懵懂的向往。在自序中孙一圣写到, 本次创作受到卡夫卡《公路上的孩子们》的启发。与之前的作品相比, 《全家福》的笔法更加纯粹、真挚, 从中能看到孙一圣明显的自我突破和进步。
本书包括长篇小说《全家福》和《仿佛若有光》《赶鸭子上架》《火车叨位去大雪封门》《望山跑死马》四篇番外。《全家福》讲的是一个农村孩子因某种意外的原因, 孤身向城市进发的故事, 是一场自传式的回顾。小说以第一人称视角描摹出孩子对所处环境和人际关系的感受, 以朴素、真诚的文字写出了小孩子对世界简单而懵懂的向往。在自序中孙一圣写到, 本次创作受到卡夫卡《公路上的孩子们》的启发。与之前的作品相比, 《全家福》的笔法更加纯粹、真挚, 从中能看到孙一圣明显的自我突破和进步。