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child of pain/疼痛之子

Transliterated Title:
Teng tong zhi zi
Kuai le hao zhu /蒯乐昊著
Shanghai wen yi chu ban she/上海文艺出版社
Publish Date:
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This book is the second collection of short stories published by the author Kuai Lehao after "The Servant of Time". It was created intensively in the three years from 2020 to 2023, and includes a total of six short and medium-length stories including "Shell", "Yunmengze", "Son of Pain", "Instant Tears", "Once Upon a Time in the Backstreets" and "farewell". This collection of novels expresses the indescribable things that women experience in terms of growth, pain, physical and physiological development, growth, and aging. Moreover, it is integrated into the story and characters, and many of them are very naturally conveyed. Complexity on a tactile, sensory level is presented to the reader, rather than abstract and difficult theories and concepts.

本书是作者蒯乐昊继《时间的仆人》之后, 出版的第二本短篇小说集。集中创作于2020-2023这三年间, 收录了《壳》《云梦泽》《疼痛之子》《即食眼泪》《后街往事》《farewell》共六个中短篇。这部小说集把女性的生长、疼痛, 肉体、生理层面发育、成长、再到衰老所经历的那些不可言说之物都表达出来了、而且是融入在故事和人物中, 非常自然地就把很多触觉、感官层面的复杂性呈现给读者, 而非抽象艰涩的理论和概念。