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Watch under the ship's lights/船灯下的守望

Transliterated Title:
Chuan deng xia de shou wang
Xu yi le /徐一乐
Shanghai wen yi chu ban she/上海文艺出版社
Publish Date:
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This book contains nine short stories. "Dreaming", "The Old Man's "Prohibition"" and "Physical Examination" describe the current life. "Grave of My Aunt's Sister and Brother-in-law" is adapted from a beautiful legend in my hometown. "Red Scarf", "My Little Sister's Happy Life", "Old Immortal", "My Grandma's Love Letter" and "Watching Under the Boat Light" are all closely related to the author's personal growth trajectory. "Red Scarf" is about the love and faith of a pair of young teachers and apprentices. "Watching Under the Boat Light" is about the ordinary and grand life of a small person. "My Little Sister's Happy Life" depicts a touching story played out in a rural family during a special historical period of material scarcity and hard life.

本书共收入九篇中短篇小说。《追梦》《老头儿的“禁令”》《体检》写的是当下的人生百味。《姨妹姐夫坟》由家乡的一个美丽传说改写而成。《红丝巾》《小妹的幸福生活》《老不死》《阿妈的情书》《船灯下的守望》均与作者个人成长轨迹有着千丝万缕的联系。《红丝巾》写的是一对青年师徒的爱情和信念。《船灯下的守望》写一个小人物平凡而宏大的一生。《小妹的幸福生活》描绘了一个特殊历史时期的物质匮乏、生活艰辛, 农村家庭里上演的一段感人至深的故事。