This book is a novel with a strong story and language, projecting the idealistic temperament and abundant and passionate emotions of the literary youth of the millennium. The novel is narrated in the first person, and the story is set in Wuhan in the millennium. "I" am a literary young man who guards an abandoned library alone and earns a living by helping booksellers collect books. Even though I was suffering from an incurable disease, my life remained calm on the surface. "I" did not plan to be admitted to the hospital for treatment, nor did I tell anyone that I was about to die. It wasn't until Shen Nannan broke into "my" life that "I" finally couldn't suppress her desire to live.
本书是一部故事与语言都颇具张力的小说, 投射了千禧年代文艺青年的理想主义气质与充沛热烈的情感。小说以第一人称叙事, 故事背景设定在千禧年代的武汉。“我”是一个独自守着一座废弃的图书馆、靠着帮书商攒书维持生计的文艺青年。即使患上了不治之症, 生活的表面也依然平静, “我”不打算入院治疗, 也没将自己将死的消息告诉任何人。直至沈囡囡闯入了“我”的生活, “我”才终于无法压抑自己对活着的渴望。
本书是一部故事与语言都颇具张力的小说, 投射了千禧年代文艺青年的理想主义气质与充沛热烈的情感。小说以第一人称叙事, 故事背景设定在千禧年代的武汉。“我”是一个独自守着一座废弃的图书馆、靠着帮书商攒书维持生计的文艺青年。即使患上了不治之症, 生活的表面也依然平静, “我”不打算入院治疗, 也没将自己将死的消息告诉任何人。直至沈囡囡闯入了“我”的生活, “我”才终于无法压抑自己对活着的渴望。