This book is a realistic novel mainly set in Chengdu, written by Sichuan writer Du Yanglin after his novel "The Waking of Insects". The work focuses on the ups and downs of a generation of young people working hard for their dreams on the road to reform and opening up, and vividly creates a group of social groups that have existed on the stage of the times, reflecting the author's rich life experience and keen observation ability. The protagonist of this book is also Ling Yunqing in "Jingzhe". At this time, he had graduated from college and became a media person, gradually establishing a foothold in the city. With the tide of reform, more and more villagers came to the city to make a living. For them, Yunqing was a transit point between their hometown and the city.
本书是四川作家杜阳林继长篇小说《惊蛰》之后, 创作的一部主要以成都为背景的现实主义长篇小说。作品聚焦改革开放道路上一代年轻人为梦想打拼的酸甜苦辣, 栩栩如生地塑造出一批曾在时代舞台上鲜活存在过的社会群体, 体现了作者丰富的人生阅历和敏锐入微的观察能力。本书的主人公同为《惊蛰》中的凌云青, 此时的他已经大学毕业, 成了一名媒体人, 在城市逐渐站稳脚跟。伴随着改革大潮, 更多乡邻来到城市谋生, 对他们来说, 云青就是家乡与城市之间的中转站。
本书是四川作家杜阳林继长篇小说《惊蛰》之后, 创作的一部主要以成都为背景的现实主义长篇小说。作品聚焦改革开放道路上一代年轻人为梦想打拼的酸甜苦辣, 栩栩如生地塑造出一批曾在时代舞台上鲜活存在过的社会群体, 体现了作者丰富的人生阅历和敏锐入微的观察能力。本书的主人公同为《惊蛰》中的凌云青, 此时的他已经大学毕业, 成了一名媒体人, 在城市逐渐站稳脚跟。伴随着改革大潮, 更多乡邻来到城市谋生, 对他们来说, 云青就是家乡与城市之间的中转站。