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Dog training from scratch, all the answers to your dog training questions/狗狗训练从零开始 训狗问题全解答

Transliterated Title:
Gou gou xun lian cong ling kai shi xun gou wen ti quan jie da
Shi di fu · Man en /史蒂夫·曼恩
Guangdong ke ji chu ban she /广东科技出版社
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"Dog Training from Scratch" (All Answers to Dog Training Questions) is a dog owner's guide to help, created by Steve Mann, a dog trainer ranked first in the UK's bestsellers in dog training. The book adopts a problem-solving approach and provides solutions to dog training problems (including "How to prevent dogs from barking at strangers", "How to prevent dogs from eating feces", "How to help dogs socialize", etc.). At the same time, it also proposes a series of training to help dogs improve their quality of life, such as teaching dogs to learn new skills, doing stability training for dogs, etc., and using positive reinforcement training methods to help dog owners cultivate a healthy, happy and obedient dog.

狗狗训练从零开始》(训狗问题 全解答)一本养狗人士的呼救指南,由英国训狗类畅销书排名第- -的训犬师史蒂夫●曼恩倾心打造。全书采用问题咨询的方式,专为狗狗的训练问题( 包括“如何防止狗狗向陌生人乱吠”“怎样防 止狗狗吃大便”“如何 帮助狗狗社交”等)提供解决方案。同时也提出一系类帮助狗狗提升生活品质的训练,比如教授狗狗学习新技能,给狗狗做安定训练等,通过正向强化训练法帮助养狗人士,培养一只健康快乐听话的狗狗。