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Self-help manual for sensitive skin/敏感肌自救手册

Transliterated Title:
Min gan ji zi jiu shou ce
Ma han, Gui hong, Liu ting bian /马寒, 桂红, 刘婷主编
Guangdong ke ji chu ban she /广东科技出版社
Publish Date:
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This book provides readers with professional and scientific skin care advice for common problems with sensitive skin. The book first introduces the basic structure and function of the skin, as well as the causes of sensitive skin. Then it provides detailed guidance on how to whiten sensitive skin, how to fight aging, and how to protect it in daily life. It also introduces common skin diseases and skin care ingredients, as well as freeze-dried powder skin care methods. Finally, the book provides life conditioning advice for sensitive skin, and provides practical tips and methods for emergency skin care before important occasions. In addition, the book also comes with a video in which the editor-in-chief explains the principles of barrier repair for sensitive skin, so that readers can better care for their skin.

本书针对敏感肌肤的常见问题, 为读者提供专业科学的护肤建议。书中首先介绍了皮肤的基本结构和功能, 以及敏感肌肤的形成原因。然后对敏感肌如何美白、如何抗衰老、如何日常防护等方面进行了详细的指导, 介绍了常见的皮肤疾病和护肤成分, 以及冻干粉护肤的方法。最后, 本书提供了敏感肌的生活调理建议, 并针对重要场合前的紧急护肤提供了实用的技巧和方法。此外, 书中还配有主编讲解敏感肌肤屏障修护原理等的视频, 让读者能更好地关爱自己的肌肤。