Contents of this book: The time and space of 1937 and 2015 intersect in an old apartment No. 699 in Shanghai. In 2015, on a summer night in Shanghai, Zong Ying, a forensic medicine expert, bumped into an unexpected guest named Sheng Qingrang at his home. He claimed that he was also the owner of this apartment, and that he came to the present day from 1937 at 10 o'clock every night, and then at 6 o'clock in the morning. Back in 1937, he even took out his Republic of China lawyer certificate to prove his identity. Zong Ying, who had always been rational, thought this was nonsense, but when Sheng Qingrang disappeared in front of her, she had to accept this fact. From the accident at the beginning to the initiative later, as Zong Ying and Sheng Qingrang traveled back and forth between the two eras, the two people who were restrained in their feelings gradually became friends as they experienced the turmoil of self and family, peace and war.
本书内容: 1937年与2015年的时空, 交错于上海一幢699号老公寓。2015年, 上海夏夜, 法医学专家宗瑛在自己家撞见一位名叫盛清让的意外来客, 他称自己也是这间公寓的主人, 每晚10点从1937年来到现代, 继而在清晨6点再回到1937年, 还拿出自己的民国律师证验明正身。向来理性的宗瑛认为这是无稽之谈, 可当盛清让消失在自己面前时, 她不得不开始接受这个事实。从一开始的意外, 到后来的主动, 随着宗瑛与盛清让往返于两个时代, 两个对待感情克制的人在经历自我与家庭、和平与战争的风波中, 渐渐由朋
本书内容: 1937年与2015年的时空, 交错于上海一幢699号老公寓。2015年, 上海夏夜, 法医学专家宗瑛在自己家撞见一位名叫盛清让的意外来客, 他称自己也是这间公寓的主人, 每晚10点从1937年来到现代, 继而在清晨6点再回到1937年, 还拿出自己的民国律师证验明正身。向来理性的宗瑛认为这是无稽之谈, 可当盛清让消失在自己面前时, 她不得不开始接受这个事实。从一开始的意外, 到后来的主动, 随着宗瑛与盛清让往返于两个时代, 两个对待感情克制的人在经历自我与家庭、和平与战争的风波中, 渐渐由朋