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Out of the Mountain/出山

Transliterated Title:
Chu shan
Yang jin lin zhu /杨晋林著
Bei yue wen yi chu ban she /北岳文艺出版社
Publish Date:
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This book is a novel with the theme of Anti-Japanese War. It is one of the key work support projects of Shanxi Provincial Writers Association in 2016 and won the first prize in the novel group of the 4th Guangxi Internet Literature Competition. The work tells the story of the protagonist and his three sons' passionate resistance against Japan, and creates a heroic image of a group of Chinese sons and daughters who stood up in times of national crisis. It reflects the turmoil, setbacks, and awakening process experienced by the people in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei border region in that era. . It also reflects the indomitable fighting spirit of the anti-Japanese military and civilians from another aspect. The story has distinctive local characteristics, the design is unconventional, the language is plain and concise, both elegant and vulgar, the plot is exciting and fascinating, and it has far-reaching practical significance.

本书是一部长篇抗战题材小说, 是2016年山西省作家协会重点作品扶持项目之一, 并获得第四届广西网络文学大赛小说组一等奖。作品讲述主人公与三个儿子热血抗日的故事, 塑造了一批在民族危难时刻挺身而出的中华儿女的英勇形象, 反映出晋察冀边区群众所经历的那个年代的动荡、挫折、觉醒的过程。也从另一个侧面体现出抗日军民不屈不挠的斗争精神。故事具有鲜明的地方特色, 设计不落窠臼, 语言平实精练, 亦雅亦俗, 情节精彩, 引人入胜, 现实意义深远。