This book contains seven novels by the author, totaling more than 200,000 words. It is very story-telling, highly readable, and thought-provoking. Its content mainly reflects the rich life of the lower class people. They have both joy and distress, both gains and disappointments. In short, they have paid a lot, but the ending is not necessarily satisfactory. Although they struggle in life, they have not given up their efforts.
本书共收入作者七部小说, 共二十多万字, 故事性极强, 极具可读性, 且耐人寻味。其内容主要是反映了低层人的丰富生活, 他们既有欣喜, 也有苦恼, 既有收获, 也有失意。总之, 他们付出很多, 其结局却不一定尽如人意。他们虽然在生活中挣扎, 却也没有放弃自己的努力。
本书共收入作者七部小说, 共二十多万字, 故事性极强, 极具可读性, 且耐人寻味。其内容主要是反映了低层人的丰富生活, 他们既有欣喜, 也有苦恼, 既有收获, 也有失意。总之, 他们付出很多, 其结局却不一定尽如人意。他们虽然在生活中挣扎, 却也没有放弃自己的努力。