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Phoenix flying/凤凰飞

Transliterated Title:
Feng huang fei
Wen yan xia zhu /温燕霞著
Lijiang chu ban she/漓江出版社
Publish Date:
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This book tells the story of Fenghuangpo Village, which after getting rid of poverty, used high-quality natural resources to develop tourism and move towards a bright future of rural revitalization. Focusing on the protagonists Du Chunfeng and Guo Fahe, the novel creates a group of ordinary people who dare to take on the responsibilities and dare to think and do on the road of rural revitalization. It describes in detail the daily lives, neighborhood disputes, emotional trajectories of ordinary people, and the things that ordinary people do. Extraordinary dreams and firm beliefs. With the continuous development of social economy, "hollow villages" have become a common phenomenon.

本书讲述凤凰坡村脱贫摘帽之后, 利用优质的自然资源, 开发旅游业, 走向乡村振兴的光明未来。小说围绕主人公杜春凤和郭发和, 塑造了一批在乡村振兴的道路上敢于担当作为、敢想敢做的平常百姓, 细致描写了平凡人物的生活日常、邻里纠纷、情感轨迹, 以及平凡人所怀有的不平凡的梦想和所坚定的信念。随着社会经济的不断发展, “空心村”已经成为一种普遍现象。