What's the point of going to work today? While we are selling ourselves at such a cheap price, we are also afraid of losing this job. And we obviously still have so many passionate and vital things to do! Xiao Ming, a newcomer in the workplace who is looking to change careers, Muzi, a stay-at-home mother who cannot find a sense of worth, Wang Peng, a 30-year-old code farmer in a large factory who is facing layoffs, Tian Lan, a freelancer who is fed up with working for others... They accidentally walked into a home and could only see them after work. In a coffee shop, the enthusiastic shop owner Fatty brings coffee, and through conversations one after another, he awakens his knowledge and sees new possibilities in life and career. "When it comes to going to work, you have to chase or not run away. The important thing is not to know what you don't want, but to understand what you want." Difficulty changing careers, being laid off, low returns, and high internal consumption, solving 4 typical career dilemmas and gaining 12 benefits Million-dollar game-breaking ideas will help you leave your desk to think about problems and usher in the moment of awakening in your life!
今天,上班意义何在? 我们一边用这么便宜的价格卖掉自己,一边又恐惧失去这份工作。而我们明明还有那么多热爱和有生命力的事可以做!谋求转行的职场新人小明、找不到价值感的全职妈妈木子、30 面临被裁员的大厂码农王鹏、受够给人打工的自由职业者天蓝……他们偶然走进一家下班后才能看见的咖啡馆,热心的店主胖子送上咖啡,在一次次的对谈里觉醒认知,看见人生和职业的新可能。“上班这件事,要追不要逃,重要的不是不想要什么,而是搞明白自己想要什么。”难转行、被裁员、低回报、高内耗,解决4类典型职业困境,收获12个价值百万的破局思路,帮你离开工位想问题、迎来人生觉醒时刻!
今天,上班意义何在? 我们一边用这么便宜的价格卖掉自己,一边又恐惧失去这份工作。而我们明明还有那么多热爱和有生命力的事可以做!谋求转行的职场新人小明、找不到价值感的全职妈妈木子、30 面临被裁员的大厂码农王鹏、受够给人打工的自由职业者天蓝……他们偶然走进一家下班后才能看见的咖啡馆,热心的店主胖子送上咖啡,在一次次的对谈里觉醒认知,看见人生和职业的新可能。“上班这件事,要追不要逃,重要的不是不想要什么,而是搞明白自己想要什么。”难转行、被裁员、低回报、高内耗,解决4类典型职业困境,收获12个价值百万的破局思路,帮你离开工位想问题、迎来人生觉醒时刻!