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Winding mountain road/山道弯弯

Transliterated Title:
Shan dao wan wan
Tan tan zhu /谭谈著
Guizhou ke ji chu ban she/贵州民族出版社
Publish Date:
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The main text of this book includes the novel "The Winding Mountain Road" and the literary film script "The Winding Mountain Road" adapted from the novel. The plots of the two genres are generally the same. They both tell the story of Er Meng and Da Meng after their eldest brother Da Meng died for some reason. The emotional entanglement between sister-in-law Jin Zhu and her partner Fengyue, the sincere and kind praise of Jin Zhu and Er Meng, and the immoral lashing of Fengyue, her mother and Uncle Tu Er. The appendix of this book includes the Hunan Flower Drum Opera script "Bi Luo Qing" adapted from the novel "The Winding Mountain Road", as well as many essays about the writer talking about his life, as well as the author's process of creating the novel "The Winding Mountain Road" and its subsequent influence. Such as the filming process of the movie "The Winding Mountain Road".

本书正文部分包括小说《山道弯弯》和由此小说改编的电影文学剧本《山道弯弯》, 两种体裁的故事情节大体一致, 都讲述了二猛在大哥大猛因故去世后, 和嫂嫂金竹、对象凤月的感情纠葛, 对金竹和二猛真诚、善良的赞美, 对凤月和她的妈妈以及秃二叔的不道德的鞭挞。本书的附录部分包括由小说《山道弯弯》改编的湖南花鼓戏剧本《碧螺情》, 以及很多讲述作家谭谈其人的散文, 以及作者创作小说《山道弯弯》的经过及后续影响, 如电影《山道弯弯》的拍摄经过等。