This book recounts the emotional experiences and life destiny of the heroine Yang Qiyue over the past fifty years, outlines the development and changes of Chinese society in the past half century, and recreates the past years and world. From the multiple perspectives of cities, buildings, houses, homes, families, marriages, and relationships, it reveals contemporary Chinese women’s profound understanding and thinking about life and death, time, money, renewal and revival of life, love, sin, and faith. It is a life story. The Light is also a revelation of women's destiny. The author Zheng Jinhang is a young scholar and writer who has been engaged in basic education for a long time and is involved in culture and art such as architecture, film, and music. He is the author of the novels "The Best Life" and "Love", as well as the essay "Always - A Thought on Education and Life".
本书倒叙女主人公杨七月五十年以来的情感经历与人生命运, 勾勒中国社会近半个世纪以来的发展与流变, 重现已经逝去的岁月与世界。从城市、建筑、房子、家、家庭、婚姻 、感情的多重视角, 揭示当代中国女性对生死、时间、金钱、生命的更新与复兴、爱、罪、信的深刻领受与思考, 是一部生命之光, 也是一部女性命运的启示录。著者郑锦杭, 青年学者, 作家, 长期从事基础教育工作, 旁涉建筑、电影、音乐等文化艺术。著有长篇小说《最好的人生》《眷恋》, 以及散记《始终--对教育及人生的一份心意》。
本书倒叙女主人公杨七月五十年以来的情感经历与人生命运, 勾勒中国社会近半个世纪以来的发展与流变, 重现已经逝去的岁月与世界。从城市、建筑、房子、家、家庭、婚姻 、感情的多重视角, 揭示当代中国女性对生死、时间、金钱、生命的更新与复兴、爱、罪、信的深刻领受与思考, 是一部生命之光, 也是一部女性命运的启示录。著者郑锦杭, 青年学者, 作家, 长期从事基础教育工作, 旁涉建筑、电影、音乐等文化艺术。著有长篇小说《最好的人生》《眷恋》, 以及散记《始终--对教育及人生的一份心意》。