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Swan inn/天鹅旅馆

Transliterated Title:
Tian e lv guan
Zhang yue ran zhu /张悦然著
Shanghai san lian shu dian/上海三联书店
Publish Date:
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This book is the latest novel by writer Zhang Yueran. The novel tells the story of private nanny Yu Ling and her lover who plan to kidnap the master's boy. The suspect drove the boy to an unknown place, but on the way received news that the boy's family was on trial for corruption. The boy's value disappears, but Yu Ling accidentally finds a shovel in her lover's car... Faced with the boy's trust and dependence, and her lover's temptation and threat, how will Yu Ling choose? And what price will she pay? Zhang Yueran, in her usual way, The delicate and sensitive writing tells the story of the nanny of a powerful family who fell overnight. It is also a naive child's experience and dissociation of the real and unreal worlds, which is both realistic and absurd, reasonable and unreasonable. .

本书是作家张悦然最新长篇小说。小说讲述私家保姆余玲与情人一同策划绑架主人家的男孩的故事。嫌疑犯开车把男孩带向未知之地, 途中却收到男孩一家因贪腐而受审的消息。男孩的价值消失, 余玲却意外在情人的车内找到一把铁锹……面对男孩的信任与依赖、情人的诱惑和威胁, 余玲将如何选择? 又将付出何种代价? 张悦然以一贯细腻敏感的笔触讲述了一个权贵之家一夕倾倒后家中保姆的故事, 同时也是一个幼稚儿童对真实与非真实世界的一次体验与游离, 既现实又荒诞、在情理之中也在情理之外。