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Hit the streets! Searching for the super-artistic Thomason/上街! 寻找超艺术托马森

Transliterated Title:
Shang jie! xun zhao chao yi shu tuo ma sen
( Ri ) Chi lai chuan yuan ping /(日) 赤濑川原平
Guang ming ri bao chu ban she/光启书局
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This book believes that, in contrast to archaeology, the study of collecting objects and appearances from modern street corners and observing the essence of the times can be called "modernism". If existing art is art, then objects that exist publicly without clear creation purposes are "super-art". This kind of structure has the characteristics of seemingly having no practical effect on real society like art, but also being preserved and displayed like art. This book is a collection of art articles that walks in the city, observes the streets and explores society.

本书认为, 与考古学相对应, 收集现代街角的事物和表象, 观察时代本质的学问, 可称为“考现学”。如果已经既存的艺术是艺术的话, 创作目的不明却公开存在的物体就是“超艺术”。这种构造物具有像艺术一样对现实社会看似毫无实际作用, 又像艺术一样被保存, 被展示出来的特性。本书即为行走都市, 观察街道并探究社会的艺术文集。