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Merkel: The power of women/默克尔:女性的力量

Transliterated Title:
Mo ke er : nv xing de li liang
( De ) Tuo er si teng · ke er na zhu /(德) 托尔斯滕·科尔纳著
Dong fang chu ban zhong xin /东方出版中心
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This book takes Merkel's childhood as the starting point. The author conducted interviews with dozens of people who had important life intersections with Merkel, and condensed them into a book. From it, you will find that Merkel is so calm, strong and approachable. side. The book is full of anecdotes about Merkel, presenting various interesting fragments of this mysterious strong woman. From daily details, we can get a glimpse of Merkel's character, personality traits, motivations behind her actions, and her inner softness.

本书以默克尔的童年为起点, 作者与数十位曾与默克尔有过重要人生交集的人们进行访谈, 将其淬炼集结成书, 从中你会发现如此冷静刚强的默克尔平易近人的一面。全书充满默克尔的奇闻轶事, 呈现的是这位神秘的女强人种种有趣的片段, 从日常细节里窥知默克尔的性格、人格特质、行为背后的动机和其内心柔软之处。