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The land is wide and the trees are wide/土广寸木

Transliterated Title:
Tu guang cun mu
Wei si xiao zhu /魏思孝著
Beijing ri bao chu ban she /北京日报出版社
Publish Date:
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This book is the latest novel by the writer Wei Sixiao. The book is titled "Village". The novel is divided into two parts. The upper part mainly gives a panoramic depiction of the village through various people and things in the village. The lower part, through the mother and son duo of Lao Fu and "I", describes the large and small events that occurred in the village within a year, involving farming, family, elections, weddings and funerals, etc. There are many characters and stories, the plot is solid and detailed, and the characters have deep emotions. It is like a rural version of "Along the River During the Qingming Festival", which provides a panoramic depiction of the current village, showing the vulgar daily life in the passage of time, creating statues for the villagers, and dedicating them to the village and the people. The villagers living in it.

本书为作家魏思孝最新长篇小说, 书名为“村庄”二字的拆解, 小说分为上下两部, 上部主要是通过村庄的各色人和事, 对村庄进行一个全景式的描绘。下部则是通过老付和“我”这对母子, 描绘村庄一年内发生的大小事务, 涉及农事、家族、选举、婚丧等。人物故事繁多, 情节扎实细密, 人物情感深沉, 如一部乡村版的“清明上河图”, 对当下村庄进行一个全景式的描绘, 岁月钩沉中展现庸俗日常, 为村民塑像, 献给这座村庄以及生活在其中的乡民们。