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The wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine that can be understood by doctors/医说就懂的中医智慧

Transliterated Title:
Yi shuo jiu dong de zhong yi zhi hui
Zhu wei kang , Wu yue bian /朱为康,武悦主编
Shanghai ke xue ji shu chu ban she /上海科学技术出版社
Publish Date:
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This book combines the inheritance of Zhu's internal medicine with modern Chinese medicine theory and uses popular words to answer current social phenomena and the problems and misunderstandings of Chinese medicine that ordinary people generally face. From the most inconspicuous but not everyone knows how to decoct medicine to various popular health-preserving methods in society, it uses objective evidence to popularize science and correct some seemingly beneficial but harmful health-preserving methods and living habits, so that ordinary people will not be too eager to seek medical treatment but end up losing more than they gain, and it provides help for everyone on how to seek medical treatment and maintain health correctly.
