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Intergenerational couples therapy/跨代伴侣治疗

Transliterated Title:
Kua dai ban lv zhi liao
( Yi ) Mao li qi ao · an duo er fei, An na · ma xie la ni /(意) 毛里齐奥·安多尔菲, 安娜·马谢拉尼
Shanghai ke xue ji shu chu ban she /上海科学技术出版社
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This book first explains the basic propositions and treatment goals of intergenerational couple therapy; secondly, from the perspective of system development, it introduces the development, evolution and function of partner relationships, as well as relationships with third parties; finally, it describes how to use family resources, including the original family, children, friends, etc., to untangle the entanglement between generations and rebuild the connection of mutual trust and respect between partners, and discusses issues such as ending treatment, follow-up, and treatment of divorced partners. The rich cases and thought-provoking sentences in the book not only help readers understand the theory and techniques of intergenerational couple therapy more accurately, but also provide a new perspective and profound insights on how to understand partner problems within the family framework, even partner problems manifested as adolescent problems.

本书首先阐述了跨代伴侣治疗的基本主张和治疗目标; 其次从系统发展的角度出发, 对伴侣关系的发展、演变和功能, 以及与第三方的关系进行了介绍; 最后描写了如何利用家庭资源, 包括原生家庭、子女、朋友等, 解开代际间的缠结, 重建伴侣间互相信任、尊重的联结, 就结束治疗、随访、离婚伴侣的治疗等问题进行了探讨。书中丰富的案例、发人深省的语句, 不仅帮助读者更准确地理解跨代伴侣治疗的理论和技巧, 更就如何在家庭框架内理解伴侣问题, 甚至是以青少年问题为表现的伴侣问题, 提供全新的视角和深刻的见解。