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When he comes, the prairie fire will set ablaze/他来时烈火燎原

Transliterated Title:
Ta lai shi lie huo liao yuan
Gu zi xing zhu /顾子行著
Chang jiang chu ban she/长江出版社
Publish Date:
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This book is the conclusion of a long urban suspense romance novel. It tells the story of criminal police captain Lu Zheng and high-tech talent Ke Yunmiao, who support each other and work together to solve crimes, and gain love in the process. After Yun Miao and Lu Zheng met, they investigated the case together and uncovered many criminal cases. They also got closer and closer to the truth of the "Red Snake" case. The actions of Lu Zheng and Ke Yunmiao aroused the fear of the "Red Snake" organization, and the "Red Snake" took the initiative. Based on the clues, the two successfully resolved the crisis and arrested the criminal gang.

本书是一部长篇都市悬疑类言情小说的完结篇。讲述了刑警队长陆征与高科技人才柯云渺互相扶持、携手破案, 并在这个过程中收获爱情的故事。云渺与陆征相遇后, 两人一起查案, 抽丝剥茧, 侦破了多起刑事犯罪案件, 也离“红蛇”案的真相越来越近。陆征与柯云渺的动作, 引起了“红蛇”组织的忌惮, “红蛇”主动出击, 两人根据线索, 成功化解危机, 抓捕犯罪团伙。