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Why are you always controlled by emotions?/你为何总被情绪左右

Transliterated Title:
Ni wei he zong bei qing xu zuo you
( Ying ) Dan ni er · Fu lai er /(英) 丹尼尔·弗莱尔
Shanghai she hui ke xue yuan chu ban she /上海社会科学院出版社
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In this book, he first reveals four unhealthy thoughts that hold you back: 1. Dogmatic "absolute needs"; 2. Dramatizing and exaggerating the facts; 3. I can't handle it; 4. Habitual self-deprecation. Then, he shows you how to replace them with four healthy beliefs: 1. Flexible preferences; 2. Seeing through the essence of the problem; 3. I can handle it; 4. Unconditional acceptance. It only takes 6 weeks to practice this coping method and see your own changes. This method is especially useful if you are struggling with stress, anxiety, depression, anger or self-doubt, if you want to improve your relationship with your family, colleagues, peers, or more importantly, want to improve your relationship with yourself.

本书中, 他首先揭示了四种不健康的、阻碍你的想法: 1.教条式的“绝对需求”; 2.戏剧化夸大事实; 3.我应对不了; 4.习惯性自我贬低。然后, 他向你展示如何用四种健康信念来替代它们: 1.灵活的偏好; 2.看透问题本质; 3.我能应对; 4.无条件接纳。实践这种应对方法, 并看到自己的改变, 你只需要6周时间。如果你正与压力、焦虑、抑郁、愤怒或自我怀疑作斗争, 如果你想要改善与家人、同事、同伴的关系, 或者更重要的, 想要改善与自己的关系, 这种方法尤其有用。