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World Spicy Soup/天下胡辣汤

Transliterated Title:
Tian xia hu la tang
Wang shao hua zhu /王少华著
Henan wen yi chu ban she /河南文艺出版社
Publish Date:
2vol. (200)
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The story of this book begins in 1938 in the 20th century, when Chiang Kai-shek ordered the opening of the garden entrance to withdraw the troops with water in order to prevent the Japanese army from advancing westward, and ends in 2018 at the beginning of this century. Through the overt and covert struggles between the various schools of Hu spicy soup in Xiangfu City, it tells the origin of Hu spicy soup and the ins and outs, inheritance and development of the three major schools, and puts Hu spicy soup, an unrefined Henan "poor man's meal", into perspective. , in the changes of history, the fate of characters from different classes was integrated, and finally the "poor man's meal" was brought to the elegant hall and served to the dining table in the banquet hall of the Great Hall of the People.

本书故事从20世纪的1938年, 为了阻止日军西进, 蒋介石下令扒开花园口以水退兵开始, 结束在本世纪初的2018年。通过祥符城里胡辣汤各个流派之间的明争暗斗, 讲述出胡辣汤的渊源以及三大流派的来龙去脉, 传承与发展, 把胡辣汤这种不登大雅之堂的河南“穷人饭”, 在历史的变迁之中, 融入了不同阶层的人物命运, 最终将“穷人饭”登上了大雅之堂, 被端到了人民大会堂宴会厅的餐桌上。