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Stay away from the "harsh work" on the dining table/远离餐桌上的“狠活”

Transliterated Title:
Yuan li can zhuo shang de “ hen huo ”
Wang guo yi zhu /王国义著
Hunan ren min chu ban she/湖南人民出版社
Publish Date:
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This book is a book that helps readers understand food additives, identify healthy foods and harmful foods, and establish healthy eating habits. The word "harsh work" comes from a buzzword on the Internet to describe excessive food additives. It is also a sign to alert everyone to raise their awareness of food safety. This book provides a relatively comprehensive analysis and discussion of the food safety issues that ordinary people are most concerned about in their daily lives, clarifies the difference between food additives and illegal food additives, and provides readers with how to choose safe, healthy, and high-quality food. It provides specific identification methods and also provides specific guidance for readers on how to use the law to protect their legitimate rights and interests when encountering food safety issues.

本书是一本帮助读者了解食品添加剂、辨别健康食品和有害食品、建立健康饮食习惯的书。“狠活”一词来源于网络上形容过量食品添加剂的一种流行语, 也是警醒大家提高食品安全意识的一个标志。本书针对普通老百姓日常生活中最为关心的食品安全问题, 进行了比较全面的分析与论述, 厘清了食品添加剂和非法食品添加物之间的区别, 为读者如何选购安全、健康、优质的食品提供了具体的鉴别方法, 也为读者在遭遇食品安全问题时如何利用法律维护自己的合法权益提供了具体的指导。