So, they really put all the remains of their old bodies under the floor. Mixed with the original sand, their remains were carried in little by little, and finally the new floor made by Xiaomei was laid on it and sealed. They once slept in this room forever. Looking at Ronggui who was still reluctantly stroking the floor with his fingers, Xiaomei glanced at him with blue eyes as blue as the sky, and picked up the carving knife again. Finding the place just above the metal floor where their bodies were placed, in the lower left corner, he gently carved his and Ronggui's names. Just like what Ronggui asked him to do every time before. When he showed the small words on the floor to Ronggui, Ronggui, who was still sad, was stunned for a moment, and then smiled. "Well done, Xiaomei." It was just a small gesture, but Xiaomei made Ronggui happy again.