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Above dawn/黎明之上

Transliterated Title:
Li ming zhi shang
Ze li zhu /仄黎著
Guangdong lü you chu ban she /广东旅游出版社
Publish Date:
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This book is a full-length science fiction novel. In 3120, the earth's magnetic field mutated, and a large number of biological mutation events suddenly broke out around the world - and human beings also changed. In today's world, even a small corner hides fatal crises. If human beings want to survive, they must have a high degree of vigilance and absolute strength. In order to prepare humans to adapt to the coming "nightmare era", scientists selected a group of humans to conduct subconscious simulation experiments, and Wanqi Zilang was one of them. During the experiment, Wanqi Zilang unfortunately died and returned to the real world. Unexpectedly, I learned that my parents had lost contact in the massive earthquake on Mount Yasi. In order to find his parents, Wanqi Zilang set out from Lixiong City and went through many obstacles along the way. He met many like-minded partners and the group also returned to the city.

本书是一部长篇科幻小说。3120年, 地球磁场变异, 世界各地忽然爆发大量生物变异事件--人类也发生了变化。现在的这个世界, 即使是一个小角落也隐藏着致命危机, 人类想要生存下去, 就必须具备高度的警觉性和绝对的实力。科学家为了让人类适应即将到来的“噩梦时代”, 选取了一部分人类进行潜意识模拟实验, 万俟子琅就是其中一员。实验中, 万俟子琅不幸死亡, 回到了现实世界。意外得知了父母在雅思山特大地震中失联的消息。为了寻找父母, 万俟子琅从狸熊市出发, 一路披荆斩棘, 结识了许多志同道合的伙伴, 一行人也在重