This book is the first part of Jinjiang's popular romance novel "The Wind Kisses the Rose". Ye Rou was born into a scholarly family, with a strict family tradition, gentleness, tranquility, restraint and self-discipline. When she was 19 years old, she met Jiang Yao, a young man with a completely different personality from hers and full of the passion and vitality of young people. Jiang Yao was a hot-blooded and unruly man, but he was gradually influenced by this quiet girl and became a more calm and steady boy. Many years later, Jiang Yao became the leading racing driver in the country, winning numerous trophies, and Ye Rou became a mechanic with first-class car repair skills. The two people shine in their respective fields of passion, integrate their professional love into their lives, and better understand the true meaning of life.
本书为晋江人气言情小说《疾风吻玫瑰》的第一部。叶柔出生于书香门第, 家风严谨, 温婉恬静, 克制自律。19岁那年, 她遇见江尧, 一个与她性格完全不同的, 充满青年人热血与活力的少年。江尧热血不羁, 慢慢被这个恬静少女感化, 成为更沉稳持重的少年。很多年后, 江尧成为国内首屈一指的赛车手, 捧杯无数, 叶柔成为修车技术一流的机械师。两个人在各自热爱的领域发光发热, 将职业热爱融入生活, 更好领悟人生的真谛。
本书为晋江人气言情小说《疾风吻玫瑰》的第一部。叶柔出生于书香门第, 家风严谨, 温婉恬静, 克制自律。19岁那年, 她遇见江尧, 一个与她性格完全不同的, 充满青年人热血与活力的少年。江尧热血不羁, 慢慢被这个恬静少女感化, 成为更沉稳持重的少年。很多年后, 江尧成为国内首屈一指的赛车手, 捧杯无数, 叶柔成为修车技术一流的机械师。两个人在各自热爱的领域发光发热, 将职业热爱融入生活, 更好领悟人生的真谛。