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Stars fall into the world/星河落人间

Transliterated Title:
Xing he luo ren jian
He chu han zhu /何楚涵著
Jiangsu feng huang wen yi chu ban she /江苏凤凰文艺出版社
Publish Date:
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This book selects a total of twenty-five important Chinese cultural sages, such as Confucius, Laozi, Ji Kang, Wang Wei, Li Bai, Su Shi, Wang Yangming, Gong Zizhen, etc., to comprehensively introduce their life stories and appreciate their representative works. Interpret their life circumstances and attitudes towards life. The book pays equal attention to literature and history, not only explaining the connotations and techniques of classic works and poems, but also interpreting the creation stories and contemporary backgrounds behind them, allowing readers to not only easily understand cultural and historical knowledge, but also immerse themselves in the spiritual world of cultural sages. .

本书共选取了二十五位重要的中国文化圣贤, 如孔子、老子、嵇康、王维、李白、苏轼、王阳明、龚自珍等, 全方位地介绍他们的生平故事, 赏析他们的代表作品, 解读他们的人生境遇和生活态度。全书文史并重, 不仅讲解经典作品和诗词的内涵与手法, 也解读其背后的创作故事与当时的时代背景, 让读者不仅能够轻松了解文化和历史知识, 还能沉浸式地感受文化圣贤的精神世界。