The main content of this book: Lu Chaochao was originally a great master in the world of cultivation. He made sacrifices to save the world and traveled back in time to the story he read during his lifetime. She almost drowned when she was born, but fortunately her mother heard her voice and reversed her fate, and then led the whole family to glory. The mother was in danger of giving birth, and the father stayed with her outside the house. Originally, my mother had been separated from her natal family for eighteen years out of love. Because she was deceived by a scumbag, she killed her natal family and her three sons and one daughter. Because of the voice of the heroine, the whole family counterattacked and changed their lives: the paralyzed brother stood up and passed the first prize in Sanyuan; the second brother, a playboy, became the God of War in Beizhao; the third brother, who was adopted and wasted, rose up to study and passed the first prize again. Two champions in one subject, unlimited glory. She collected national debts for the emperor, exorcised evil spirits for Beizhao, and was adopted as a princess by the emperor. The works are creative, humorous, vivid stories, and interesting characters.
本书主要内容: 陆朝朝本是修真界大能, 因献祭救世而穿越进生前所看话本。出生差点被溺毙, 幸好母亲听到她的心声而扭转命运, 之后带领着全族, 走向辉煌。母亲生产危在旦夕, 父亲在外陪伴外室。原本母亲为爱与娘家断绝十八年, 因被渣男蒙蔽, 害死娘家, 害死三子一女。因女主心声, 全家逆袭改命: 瘫痪的哥哥站起来了, 三元及第; 纨绔二哥成了北昭战神; 被养废的三哥, 奋起读书, 再次考取状元。一门两状元, 风光无限。她替皇帝收国债, 替北昭驱邪, 被皇帝收为公主。作品富有创意, 诙谐幽默, 故事生动, 人物
本书主要内容: 陆朝朝本是修真界大能, 因献祭救世而穿越进生前所看话本。出生差点被溺毙, 幸好母亲听到她的心声而扭转命运, 之后带领着全族, 走向辉煌。母亲生产危在旦夕, 父亲在外陪伴外室。原本母亲为爱与娘家断绝十八年, 因被渣男蒙蔽, 害死娘家, 害死三子一女。因女主心声, 全家逆袭改命: 瘫痪的哥哥站起来了, 三元及第; 纨绔二哥成了北昭战神; 被养废的三哥, 奋起读书, 再次考取状元。一门两状元, 风光无限。她替皇帝收国债, 替北昭驱邪, 被皇帝收为公主。作品富有创意, 诙谐幽默, 故事生动, 人物