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Rose Gravity/玫瑰万有引力

Transliterated Title:
Mei gui wan you yin li
Bei feng san bai li /北风三百里
Jiangsu feng huang wen yi chu ban she /江苏凤凰文艺出版社
Publish Date:
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This book tells the story of Qian Jianing and Lu Yan who faced challenges again and again, refused to accept their fate and gave up, and finally their dreams came true and they stayed together. Seven years ago, Qian Jianing and Lu Yan had to separate because of family obstruction and pressure from reality. They reunited seven years later. With their efforts and persistence, they had already made achievements in their respective fields, but they could not let go of each other. They tested each other and finally resolved their knots, reunited with their lovers, and achieved success in both love and career. The story uses flashbacks, and memories and reality are connected smoothly. The plot is complete and realistic, and the spirit conveyed through the characters is also deeply rooted in the bones - the value of people coming to this world does not lie in the height they finally reach, but in the extreme difference between the end and the beginning. The story is very inspiring and worth reading.

本书讲述了钱佳宁和路焱面对一次次考验, 不认命不服输, 最终梦想成真、爱人相守的故事。七年前钱佳宁和路焱因为家人阻挠和现实压力不得已分开, 七年后重逢, 两人凭着努力和坚持早已在各自擅长的领域打拼出一番成绩, 但却始终都放不下彼此, 你来我往间相互试探, 终于解除心结, 与爱人破镜重圆, 爱情事业双丰收。故事采用插叙手法, 回忆和现实衔接自如, 故事情节完整写实, 透过人物传达出的精神也深刻入骨--人来到这个世界上的价值, 不在于最终到达的高度, 而在于尽头与开场的极差。故事极具激励性, 值得阅读。