This story takes place in the United States after the Civil War, with the American West as the background. It tells the story of the protagonists Woodrow Call and Augustus McCreary, who opened a "hat shop" in Lone Pigeon Town after finishing their work as security guards. Creek Cattle Company", and then led a group of partners to drive thousands of cattle from southern Texas to the northernmost place in the United States they had heard of - Montana. During the long-distance migration, they crossed the vast plains of the west, and also passed through barbarism and civilization, as well as love and death. This epic masterpiece tells the story of inescapable themes in our lives: love, marriage, betrayal, responsibility, death, and being on the road.
本故事发生在南北战争结束后的美国, 以美国西部地区为背景展开, 讲述了主人公伍德罗·考尔与奥古斯塔斯·麦克克里结束保安队工作后, 在孤鸽镇开办“帽子溪牧牛公司”, 随后率领一众伙伴赶着几千头牛从得克萨斯南部前往他们听说过的美国最北的地方--蒙大拿--的故事。在长途大迁徙中, 他们穿越了西部辽阔的平原, 也穿越了野蛮与文明, 以及爱与死亡。这部史诗巨著讲述我们一生中难以逃避的主题: 爱情、婚姻、背叛、责任、死亡、在路上。
本故事发生在南北战争结束后的美国, 以美国西部地区为背景展开, 讲述了主人公伍德罗·考尔与奥古斯塔斯·麦克克里结束保安队工作后, 在孤鸽镇开办“帽子溪牧牛公司”, 随后率领一众伙伴赶着几千头牛从得克萨斯南部前往他们听说过的美国最北的地方--蒙大拿--的故事。在长途大迁徙中, 他们穿越了西部辽阔的平原, 也穿越了野蛮与文明, 以及爱与死亡。这部史诗巨著讲述我们一生中难以逃避的主题: 爱情、婚姻、背叛、责任、死亡、在路上。