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Transliterated Title:
Bu lie zhe
Gao man hang zhu /高满航著
Beijing lian he chu ban gong si /北京联合出版公司
Publish Date:
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This book is a thrilling modern military spy novel. Through the confrontation between the Chinese soldiers represented by the protagonist and the hostile forces lurking in the dark, the novel demonstrates the responsibility and responsibility of the Chinese soldiers in safeguarding national security. The book is full of suspense and danger, and vividly presents the heroic yet unknown contest between the people's army and the invisible enemy on hidden battlefields in the new era, in the face of the complex and ever-changing international situation, shaping a new generation. The portraits of Chinese military personnel demonstrate the selfless dedication of Chinese military personnel in the new era for the interests of the motherland, promote heroism based on patriotism, and deeply interpret the admirable feelings of Chinese military personnel for home and country.

本书是一部惊险刺激的现代军事谍战小说。小说通过以主人公为代表的中国军人与潜藏在暗处的敌对势力的对抗, 彰显了中国军人在维护国家安全方面的责任与担当。全书悬念迭起, 险象环生, 生动呈现了新时期以来, 面对复杂多变的国际形势, 人民军队在隐蔽的战场上与看不见的敌人进行的壮烈却又不为人知的较量, 塑造了新一代中国军人群像, 展现了新时代中国军人为了祖国的利益无私忘我的奉献精神, 弘扬了建立在爱国主义基础之上的英雄主义, 深度解读了中国军人令人敬佩的家国情怀。