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magic ring/魔法戒条

Transliterated Title:
Mo fa jie tiao
Yu lei zhu /于雷著
Beijing lian he chu ban gong si /北京联合出版公司
Publish Date:
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This book uses a murder case as an introduction to cleverly connect the stories of five years before and after. There are many characters, but each character is set up very cleverly, and there is no waste. In the end, evil prevailed and all the murderers were punished by law. Detective Liu Wenhao took over a case of dismemberment of a body abandoned in a back alley, and the container where the body was placed was a magic box with the logo of the famous magician Yang Tianming. Five years ago, a device at Yang Tianming's magic show ruptured, causing a fire accident that killed dozens of people. Liu Wenhao's fiancée also died in the fire, and Yang Tianming was imprisoned.

本书以一起凶案为引子, 将五年前后的故事精妙的串联在一起, 出场人物众多, 但每一个角色都设置的十分巧妙, 毫无废笔。最终邪不压正, 所有的凶手都受到了法律的惩罚。刑警刘文昊接手了一起弃尸在陋巷中的分尸案, 而摆放尸体的容器正是带有知名魔术师杨天明标志的魔术箱。五年前, 杨天明魔术表演现场因装置破裂, 引发了数十人死亡的火灾事故, 刘文昊的未婚妻也正是在那场火灾中丧生, 杨天明因此锒铛入狱。