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Transliterated Title:
Jian guai la
Dou zi zhu /豆子著
Guangxi shi fan da xue chu ban she/广西师范大学出版社
Publish Date:
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This book is a collection of short stories, including a total of more than twenty works, all of which are all kinds of strange stories. The background of the stories is set in the Ming Dynasty and beyond, especially since the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty. These works can be mainly divided into the following types: one is the love entanglements that occur between ordinary people, such as "The Thieves", "Lv Fengfei" and "Xingjing"; the other is the adventures of most helpless scholars under the imperial examination system , such as "Chongzhi County", "Empty Ear Monster", "Zhaishi Country" and "Tiankai"; the third is bizarre events that change people's destiny, such as "The Art of Luck", "Bao Jiake" and "Fetching Objects from the Sky"; the fourth is adaptation Legends derived from folk anecdotes, such as "Asking for Feng", "Flying with People" and "Savage Woman".

本书为短篇小说集, 共收录二十余篇作品, 都是些五花八门的奇谈怪说, 故事的背景则设置在明代及以后, 尤其是清康熙以来。这些作品主要可分为以下几种类型: 一是发生在普通人之间的爱情纠葛, 如《响马盗》《吕葑菲》《幸镜》; 二是科举制度下多数仿徨无助的读书人的奇遇, 如《虫知县》《空耳怪》《窄士国》《天缝》; 三是改变人命运的离奇事件, 如《运时术》《保家客》《隔空取物》; 四是改编自民间轶事的传说, 如《讨封》《挟人飞行》《野人婆》。