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Classical Hatha Yoga Poses/古典哈他瑜伽体式

Transliterated Title:
Gu dian ha ta yu jia ti shi
Yu xin li zhu bian /于欣力主编
Zhongguo guo ji guang bo chu ban she /中国海洋大学出版社
Publish Date:
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This book summarizes the introductory knowledge of yoga in an easy-to-understand way, and vividly and meticulously sorts out the practical knowledge of yoga asanas. It introduces in detail the practice methods of yoga asanas, the key points, key points and difficulties of practice, the practice process and matters that need to be paid attention to, the basic functions of asanas, etc. From breathing to standing posture, to reversal, see how specific muscles respond to joint movements, how a change in posture can strengthen or weaken the effect, and what is the connection between the spine, breathing and posture.

本书通俗易懂地总结了瑜伽入门知识, 生动细致地梳理了瑜伽体式实用知识, 详细介绍了瑜伽体式习练方式、练习的要点、重点和难点, 习练的过程以及需要注意的事项, 体式的基本作用等。从呼吸到站姿, 再到反转, 看看特定肌肉如何回应关节的运动, 一个姿势的改变如何加强或减弱效果, 脊柱、呼吸和体位之间有何联系。