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The spread and elimination of health rumors/健康谣言的传播与辟除

Transliterated Title:
Jian kang yao yan de chuan bo yu pi chu
Liu jian, Sun qian zhu bian /刘建, 孙茜主编
Sichuan da xue chu ban she/四川大学出版社
Publish Date:
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The writing of this book focuses on integrating theory with practice. On the one hand, it introduces basic theories and core issues, and on the other hand, it uses theory to analyze specific cases in practice. Features of this book: First, it focuses on the grassroots, conducts research, and focuses on exploring the impact of health rumors on the medical industry and news communication industry. The second is to build an interdisciplinary theoretical system, which is different from public health in the traditional sense and news communication in the traditional sense. Instead, it is based on the impact of information communication itself on the two industries and explores communication, public health and prevention. Inter-medical meeting point. The third is to provide specific cases from frontline work in primary medical institutions.

本书的写作注重理论联系实际, 一方面介绍基本理论和核心议题, 另一方面借助理论分析实践中的具体案例。本书特色: 一是落脚基层, 做好调研, 着重探讨健康谣言对医疗行业及新闻传播行业的影响。二是构建跨学科的理论系统, 不同于传统意义上的公共卫生事业, 也不同于传统意义上的新闻传播, 而是立足信息传播本身对两个行业的影响, 探讨传播学与公共卫生与预防医学间切合点。三是提供来自基层医疗机构一线工作的具体案例。