This is a popular science book about intestinal health. Intestinal health is closely related to our lives. Loss of appetite, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids...these are all your intestines calling for help! The intestines are not only the main digestive and excretory organs of the human body, but also include 70% of the human immune system. If the intestines are healthy, you will get sick less! The author of this book, Dr. Zeng from Peking Union Medical College and General Surgery Department of Chaoyang Hospital, uses easy-to-understand language to interpret things about the intestines from seven parts: understanding our digestive organs, intestines, how to maintain the intestines in life, incredible poop, signs of intestinal illness, symptomatic treatment of intestinal diseases, prevention of colorectal cancer, and annoying hemorrhoids. The book is also accompanied by interesting illustrations, making the content easy to read, and readers without a medical background can understand it at a glance. Understand the secrets of the intestine