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Be Kind: The Final Chapter/从善:完结篇

Transliterated Title:
Cong shan : wan jie pian
Ding li zhu /定离著
Hunan wen yi chu ban she/湖南文艺出版社
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This book is the second part of the long fantasy novel "Being Good" series. Su Zhuyi traveled back thousands of years and quickly grew up with the advantage of her memory and the resources provided by her sect, and got in touch with the male protagonist Qin Jianglan who was trapped in a streamer to save her. However, the good times did not last long. Su Zhuyi's senior brother was controlled by a monster and lost his mind. She herself was plotted and was seriously injured trying to save her fellow disciples. In desperation, Qin Jianglan broke through the seal to resolve the crisis. The two then walked together, went deep into dangerous places, searched in many directions, established an order independent of heaven, and finally stayed together in a prosperous and stable life. The storyline of this article is complete and complete, the writing style is witty and humorous, and the collision of human nature has become a highlight. The author uses his extraordinary imagination to present readers with a fantasy love story.

本书是长篇玄幻小说“从善”系列的第二部。苏竹漪回到千年以前, 凭借记忆优势与宗门所给的资源迅速成长起来, 并和为救自己身陷流光镜的男主秦江澜取得了联系。然而好景不长, 苏竹漪的师兄被魔物控制, 失去理智, 她自己被人暗算, 为救同门又身受重伤。情急之下, 秦江澜自封印破出, 化解危机。随后两人相伴同行, 深入险地, 多方寻觅, 建立了独立于天道外的秩序, 最终于盛世安稳中相依相守。 本文故事情节圆满完整, 文风诙谐幽默, 人性的碰撞也成为一大看点。作者以超凡的脑洞为读者呈现了一个充满奇幻色彩的爱情故事。