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A brief history of the Yangtze River/长江小史

Transliterated Title:
Chang jiang xiao shi
Xu zhuo yun zhu /许倬云著
Hunan wen yi chu ban she/湖南文艺出版社
Publish Date:
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This is a Chinese cultural history in which teacher Xu Zhuoyun talks about Yangtze River civilization and history. This book mainly explains the origin and development of the Yangtze River Civilization and the relationship between the Yangtze River Civilization and world civilization, helping readers better understand the history of the Yangtze River and Chinese culture. The development of modern China began in the Yangtze River Basin, which has shouldered most of the development tasks since then. The formation of the Yangtze River Civilization is related to the origin and development of China's ethnic groups, economy, culture, politics and many other aspects. Contemporary young people shoulder the responsibility of building future China and the future world. Although the book is small, it has the guiding significance of providing an overview. Mr. Xu has studied Eastern and Western literature and history. With Mr. Xu’s help, readers can better understand the Yangtze River civilization and its relationship with world civilizations, which is beneficial to their understanding of social development and can also guide them in their future social development.
