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What do you want in life?/一生何求

Transliterated Title:
Yi sheng he qiu
Bi xiao nan zhu /毕啸南著
Hunan wen yi chu ban she/湖南文艺出版社
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This book is another brand-new short story masterpiece by the well-known writer Bi Xiaonan after the popularity of his works such as "Born to Be Human" and "Before You Leave". This book begins with Bi Fuhai, the last scholar in the late Qing Dynasty, and tells the destiny trajectory and ideal pursuit of five generations for more than 130 years. With the theme of "Questioning in Life", it shows the pursuit of self-worth by the low-level people in different eras. , an exploration of worldly desires and an inquiry into the meaning of life. Living in an anxious and confused modern society, where will the vast majority of people, as little people, go in their lives? How to settle down in the game with fate? Bi Xiaonan uses sober writing to construct the unknown stories of the people at the bottom.

本书是知名作家毕啸南继《生而为人》《在你们离开以前》等作品大热后, 又一全新短篇小说力作。此书以晚清最后一届秀才毕富海为开端, 讲述五代人长达130多年的命运轨迹与理想追求, 以“人生追问”为主题, 展现出底层小人物在不同时代背景下对自身价值的追求, 对俗世欲望的探索以及对生命意义的叩问。活在焦虑而迷茫的现代社会, 身为小人物的绝大多数人一生将往何处去? 如何在与命运的博弈中安身立命? 毕啸南用清醒的笔触建构着底层人那些不为人知的故事。