This book is a collection of short and medium-length novels by Mr. Wang Zengqi. Based on the "Complete Works of Wang Zengqi", this book selects Wang Zengqi's classic short and medium-length novels, from his early famous work "Revenge" to his peak works "Taking the Initiations" and "Notes on Da Nao", etc., carefully compiling more than ten representative works, connecting Wang Zengqi's creative experience, and fully displaying the essence of Wang Zengqi's decades of novel creation. This book thoroughly reads the essence of Wang Zengqi's novels. Mo Yan once praised: "Mr. Wang is a talented and interesting person. Some people leave articles but no stories, and some people leave stories but no articles. Mr. Wang is a person who left many articles and many stories." The stories written by Mr. Wang are like life, always ordinary but strange, plain but interesting.
本书是汪曾祺先生的中短篇小说集。本书以“汪曾祺全集”为底本, 精选汪曾祺经典中短篇小说, 从他早期的成名作《复仇》, 到创作巅峰时期的《受戒》、《大淖记事》等, 精心编排十余篇代表作, 串联起汪曾祺创作经历, 全面展现汪曾祺数十年小说创作精华, 一本书读透汪曾祺小说精髓。莫言曾称赞道: “汪先生是多才而有趣之人。有人留下文章没留下故事, 有人留下故事没留下文章。汪先生是既留下很多文章, 又留下很多故事的人。”先生笔下的故事如生活那般, 总是平中有奇, 淡中有味。
本书是汪曾祺先生的中短篇小说集。本书以“汪曾祺全集”为底本, 精选汪曾祺经典中短篇小说, 从他早期的成名作《复仇》, 到创作巅峰时期的《受戒》、《大淖记事》等, 精心编排十余篇代表作, 串联起汪曾祺创作经历, 全面展现汪曾祺数十年小说创作精华, 一本书读透汪曾祺小说精髓。莫言曾称赞道: “汪先生是多才而有趣之人。有人留下文章没留下故事, 有人留下故事没留下文章。汪先生是既留下很多文章, 又留下很多故事的人。”先生笔下的故事如生活那般, 总是平中有奇, 淡中有味。