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Little White Learns Weaving/小白学编织

Transliterated Title:
Xiao bai xue bian zhi
Ri ben zhao ri xin wen chu ban bian /日本朝日新闻出版编
Nanhai chu ban gong si/南海出版公司
Publish Date:
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This is a knitting book that even beginners can understand. Read comics, learn knitting, and get started quickly! A super basic introductory book on crochet and knitting. Unlike the basic stitches taught in previous books, this book emphasizes that you don’t need to learn all the basics before you start knitting, but instead lets readers try knitting first. This book is presented in the form of comics, which is simple and interesting, lowering the psychological barriers for beginners. You can learn knitting while having fun, killing two birds with one stone. Combined with video explanations, every reader can use this book to make exquisite small objects and have a sense of accomplishment in learning. The problems encountered by the protagonist in the book are all problems that novices in knitting will encounter when they first learn knitting. The explanations in this book fully take into account the level of beginners and are the best choice for novices to get started with knitting. There are 14 kinds of crochet and knitting objects and 4 video clips.
