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Qu Limin gave an insightful lecture on "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic"/曲黎敏精讲《黄帝内经》

Transliterated Title:
Qu li min jing jiang 《 huang di nei jing 》
Qu li min zhu /曲黎敏著
Tianjin ke xue ji shu chu ban she/天津科学技术出版社
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This book is the seventh in the series of "Qu Limin's Lectures on Huangdi Neijing". Based on the previous six books, it continues to explain the 13th chapter "On the Transformation of Essence and Qi", the 14th chapter "On Decoctions and Wines", the 15th chapter "Essentials of Jade Plates" and the 16th chapter "The Final Discussion of Diagnosis Essentials" of Huangdi Neijing. The author interprets the classics word by word, analyzes the viewpoints and medical principles of traditional Chinese medicine, and compares the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine in treating common modern diseases, so that readers can look at traditional Chinese medicine and various diagnostic and treatment methods in traditional Chinese medicine more objectively and rationally. What is particularly special is that in the process of interpreting traditional Chinese medicine, the author often analyzes various phenomena in life, interprets life from multiple perspectives, and understands the true meaning of life.

本书是《曲黎敏精讲〈黄帝内经〉》系列的第七部, 在前六部的基础上, 继续讲解《黄帝内经》的第十三篇《移精变气论》、第十四篇《汤液醪醴论》、第十五篇《玉版论要》以及第十六篇《诊要经终论》。作者逐字逐句解读经典, 分析中医的观点与医理, 比较治疗现代常见病时中医与西医的优势所在, 从而让读者能更客观、理性地看待中医, 看待中医中的各种诊疗方法。尤为特别的是, 作者在解读中医过程中不时联系生活中的各种现象进行分析, 从多个角度解读生命, 认识生命真正的意义。