This book tells the story: In the 1930s and 1940s, Su Buxi, the daughter and second wife of Su Dakuo, a wealthy man in Xiguan, Guangzhou, suddenly became seriously ill. Medicines and medicines failed to work. She struggled on the line of life and death several times. After finally recovering, she was originally Bu Xi, a talented girl who was highly sought after for marriage, suddenly became unpopular. Under the coercion of her father, she was forced to choose a failed marriage. Xinjiao, a famous prostitute from Miaohe, entered General Wu's mansion for the first time, but was almost dismissed when she first arrived. In order to stay, Xinjiao was willing to work as a washerwoman. Later, she was appreciated by General Wu for her good calligraphy, and her net worth gradually increased. The good times did not last long, and Xinjiao finally returned to her old career due to changes in the current situation. Amai, the personal maid of the late Madam Su Dakuo, was deceived by goldsmith Peng Zai and stole the eldest lady's jewelry, but was abandoned by Peng Zai. A few years later, Pengzi returned again,
本书讲述的是: 二十世纪三四十年代, 广州西关巨富苏大阔的女儿、二太太所生的苏步溪突发重症, 药石罔效, 几番在生死线上挣扎, 好不容易痊愈之后, 原本婚事上备受追捧的才女步溪突然乏人问津, 在父亲的强迫下, 被迫选择了一段失败的婚姻。妙合名妓心娇初入吴将军府, 初到便险被遣散。心娇为了留下, 甘作洗衣妇, 后因一手好字被吴将军赏识, 身价逐渐提升。好景不长, 心娇终因时局变化重操旧业。苏大阔已故大太太生前的贴身女佣阿麦, 受打金师傅鹏仔所欺骗, 盗取了大太太的首饰, 却又被鹏仔抛弃。几年后鹏仔再次回归,
本书讲述的是: 二十世纪三四十年代, 广州西关巨富苏大阔的女儿、二太太所生的苏步溪突发重症, 药石罔效, 几番在生死线上挣扎, 好不容易痊愈之后, 原本婚事上备受追捧的才女步溪突然乏人问津, 在父亲的强迫下, 被迫选择了一段失败的婚姻。妙合名妓心娇初入吴将军府, 初到便险被遣散。心娇为了留下, 甘作洗衣妇, 后因一手好字被吴将军赏识, 身价逐渐提升。好景不长, 心娇终因时局变化重操旧业。苏大阔已故大太太生前的贴身女佣阿麦, 受打金师傅鹏仔所欺骗, 盗取了大太太的首饰, 却又被鹏仔抛弃。几年后鹏仔再次回归,