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Baishui ballad/白水谣

Transliterated Title:
Bai shui yao
Xiong yan zhu /熊焱著
Hua cheng chu ban she/花城出版社
Publish Date:
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This book is divided into three parts: upper, middle and lower, telling the story of seven generations of a family spanning a century. Each story has a different protagonist, but they are all described in the first person. The upper part uses the fourth generation of the family as the main narrative line, starting from the "land reform" after the founding of New China until the early days of the Cultural Revolution, through the fate of a family Showing the joys and sorrows of ordinary people in the movement of the times; the story continues to unfold from the middle to the upper part, with the third generation of the family as the main narrative line. As the story progresses, there is a sudden flashback, looking back on the family's century-old history in a flashback manner. Past Events, writes about the overt and secret struggles and changes of the times in landlord families, and then reaches the eve of reform and opening up in a chronological manner; the second part starts from the 1990s, using the sixth generation of this family as the narrative

本书分为上中下三部曲, 讲述了一家七代人跨越百年的故事。每一部都是不同的故事主角, 但均以第一人称描写, 上部以这个家庭的第四代人作为叙述主线, 从新中国成立后的“土改”入笔, 直到文革初期, 通过一个家庭的命运展示普通人在时代运动中的悲欢离合; 中部接着上部的故事继续展开, 以这个家庭的第三代人作为叙述主线, 在故事的推进中突然闪回一笔, 以倒叙的方式回溯这个家庭的百年往事, 书写地主家庭中的明争暗斗和时代变迁, 再以顺叙的方式抵达改革开放前夕; 下部从上世纪九十年代起笔, 以这个家庭的第六代人作为叙述