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Europe four thousand years/欧洲四千年

Transliterated Title:
Ou zhou si qian nian
Feng lai yi zhu /凤来仪著
Kong xue tang shu ju /孔学堂书局
Publish Date:
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This book starts from the ancient Greek civilization, the source of modern European civilization, and talks about the current situation in Europe in one breath, describing the rise and fall of Europe in more than four thousand years. The context of this book is extremely clear, starting from the main outline of historical geography and advancing layer by layer, from shallow to deep. The language is humorous, fluent, and coherent, making people feel uncomfortable if they don't finish reading it in one sitting. The author's dual background as a historical and financial writer makes his analysis of historical materials and the connection between current events and history very insightful and refreshing.

本书从现代欧洲文明的源头古希腊文明开始, 一口气讲到当前欧洲的局势, 将欧洲四千多年间的兴衰成败娓娓道来。本书脉络异常清晰, 从历史地理的主要纲目平摊开来, 层层推进, 由浅入深。语言幽默流畅、一气呵成, 让人有一种不一口气读完不痛快的感觉。作者作为历史和财经作家的双重背景, 让他对历史材料的分析以及对时事与历史的联系, 极有心得, 多有让人耳目一新之处。